As law enforcement professionals, the communities and lives you protect are precious, and so is your time.
Every minute spent on paperwork means less time spent with the public you protect. With police officers needing at least an hour to type a single incident report, and police sergeants spending nearly half of their day on paperwork, these necessary tasks can mean hours tied to a desk, away from the communities you serve.
Dragon® Law Enforcement is the first professional productivity solution designed specifically for law enforcement professionals. With Dragon® Law Enforcement you can quickly streamline your data entry into records management systems (RMS) with up to 99% accuracy. Allowing you to document and dictate reports in real time, while giving officers the ability to create more detailed and accurate reports.

Dragon® Law Enforcement Streamlines the Reporting Process

In addition to enhancing efficiency, Dragon® Law Enforcement meets the appeal by International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) to police departments across the country to demand speech recognition solutions. This reflects how Dragon Law Enforcement improves safety in the field, as you remain alert while issuing any needed commands by voice. And, with the ability to create reports three times faster than typing, the time saved is significant, allowing you to spend yours where it belongs, with your community.
Start spending more time serving, and less time typing.